Cosmo Blog Awards!

Hello Ladies!

Upon doing some browsing online during work today (it's been a really busy one.. TRUST ME) - I noticed that the UK version of Cosmo is hosting a little "blog awards" competition and one of the categories *just so happens* to be beauty.

My competitive edge came out.. full force.

I'm asking all of my lovely readers to take the time to go to THIS SITE and enter for consideration for the beauty category. I know it's a long shot because I know that there are a bajillion beauty blogs out there on the web - but wouldn't it be sweet? Let's represent for all the sarcastic pretty bitches out there, shall we? I like to think my blog is much different than alot of the other "beauty" websites out there, so getting the name out there would be nothing short of phenomenal

So tweet the link (, repost on your blog, make a t-shirt - I don't care! Just take the 3 seconds to give us a quick nom in the competition and you'll have my undying gratitude. Which is way better than lipgloss.. Okay - ALMOST better.
