Super Easy & Cute Hair Thanks to Spin Pins

I don't know about you guys, but when I wake up in the morning at 7:30 for work - I typically don't feel like spending an hour curling my ends to perfection just so I can sit at my desk all day. Who do I have to impress at work - my 72 year old co-worker? Sure, I want to look nice - but I don't need prom hair. I go for simplistic hair styles that I can do in a couple minutes and I'm good to go with a few spritz's of hairspray.

This is where the bun comes into play.

I'm not a fan of regular ol' ponytails cuz either I feel like I'm 11 when I have them in or I look like I'm going to the gym. I do the messy bun most of the time at home, but I can't really show up to work with something atop my noggin that looks like a cross between a furball and an octopus. I like the look of low buns just because you can dress them up or down. The problem is - without the right equipment, you can also end up with a head full of hairspray and bobby pins which totally defeats the whole "simple and cute" theme we have going..

This is where my new obsession comes into play:

($5.99 at drugstores & wherever you typically buy Goody products)

I did a segment on these in one of my videos a little while ago and I've been in love with them ever since. You can get them in blonde, brunette, or red & they work great with all types of hair. I'd say you'll need at least shoulder length to make them work, though. Basically what you do is twist your hair into a bun (kind of around itself) and then corkscrew one of these little suckers down through. You don't need a hair tie or additional pins because the spiral shape grabs all the hair and holds it to your head. I'll admit - it took me a few tries to get it perfect, but once you get the hang of it - you're gonna be hooked. They're perfect for summer when you just want your hair up off your neck and you can easily sass your bun up with hair accessories for a dressier look.

I just threw a bow in there since I had a pink undershirt on & I'm a matchy matchy freak, but you could easily do the bun alone if you wanted to. You can't see the pin at all and it's such a cute way to wear your hair. Mine is a bit off to the side & I always pull a little bit of hair out just cuz I'm not a big fan of the "perfect" hair look, but you could easily make it sleek. I think these are such a great investment & for only $5.99 (for two!) - you seriously can't lose!
