Clean Teeth Courtesy of Toothsoap!

Let me start this post off by saying that when I was contacted by the company I'm about to talk about, I was skeptical. A brand called tooth soap? It was pretty hard to shake the following image out of my head for some reason:

"ohhh..... fuuuuuuu..dge."

Regardless, I am happy to announce that reviewing this product did not involve me sucking on a bar of soap. What Tooth Soap is is an all natural product that you use on a wet toothbrush that cleans teeth and gums perfectly, and actually improves your dental health. It's not your traditional toothpaste either. It comes in a bottle that reminds me of something that a mad scientist would have:

You just put a few drops on your toothbrush, and brush regularly

I'll warn you guys that this doesn't have the MINTY FRESH BLAST that most toothpastes have. I have the spearmint kind (there's a shit ton of different flavors, so you'll find something you like) and while I can get a "hint of mint", you don't walk away from the sink smacking your numbed, tingly, mint-stricken lips. I don't really mind it though because seriously - I can't explain to you how clean your teeth feel. I know this sounds weird, but when I first used it - I sat at work all day running my tongue over my teeth because they legit felt cleaner than after I go to the dentist (minus all the gum pain from the hygienist violently flossing my teeth). Another thing I noticed was that it brightens your teeth naturally, and if you use it before bed - your mouth feels about half as disgusting as it usually does when you wake up in the morning. It honestly CLEANS your entire mouth because it foams up pretty good and isn't in a paste form that just gets dragged across the surface of your teeth. I hope my explanation does it justice because it's some seriously wonderful stuff..

I also had the pleasure of trying out their natural whitening product called tooth brightener. I've been using it every other day and I can already notice a difference. Not only does it get rid of common, everyday stains (from coffee, tea, wine, etc..) - you can mix up a little paste with it and apply it to the stains that have been there for awhile (taunting you everytime you look in the mirror.. those little sonofabees). It's just in powder form - so once again, you sprinkle it on a wet toothbrush and go to town:

So whether you guys are looking to take a little bit better care of your pearly whites or you're just looking for something new and cool to try - you've got to get some tooth soap in your life. You can visit their website and check out their whole line of awesome products (there's plenty more than the 2 I just mentioned). I'd absolutely positively reccomend both the tooth soap and the tooth brightener if you need some suggestions. I hope that you guys enjoyed the review and obviously (as always) let me know if you have any questions about anything! Oh and follow toothsoap on twitter at @toothsoap. They always have cool stuff going on!

