Sweet eBay Sellers for your Cute & Cheap Pleasure!

I've had a lot of people commenting me & e-mailing me regarding the makeup brushes and hello kitty necklaces that I recently picked up on eBay. I turn to eBay for a lot of things, and often times I find sellers over in Korea that offer super amazingly cute things at prices that are hard to believe! And like I mentioned with the brushes, they always throw in little extras which makes the transactions even nicer. I will warn you though, if you need your item A.S.A.P. - these aren't the sellers for you. Since they're coming from overseas.. ship time is a bit longer. But no worries - everything has gotten here safe & sound. Here are my suggestions for you:

Fishlawyer999988 - This is where I got my Hello Kitty necklaces from & they have TONS AND TONS of different HK items and they're all very inexpensive! Very sparkly and girly and the bonus with them is that shipping is free on most items! You truly cannot beat it :o) These are the types of necklaces they sell the most:
I love them! And they're nice and big, 3.5cm x 5cm . Long chains, too!
I just won both of these & my total was $10 !!

Cdballstar - This is the seller that I got my new pink makeup brushes from the other day, but when I checked on her site - she doesn't currently have anything up for sale. She is a powerseller though, which means she's sold TONS of stuff - so I'm guessing she might wait to get things in stock & then list them. She was also the one who sent me the mystery vel-cro head things which THANK YOU wonderful, beautiful, lovely followers for opening my eyes up as to what the hell they are! I use them almost everyday now (they hold your bangs back for makeup/face washing/etc...).. they're fantastic!

Sarina23 - Totally one of my favorites.. I got this amazing crystal strawberry necklace from her and she has tons and tons and tons of super cute necklaces for sale on her page. I believe I paid $8.99 with free shipping for mine (see pic below) but it's a great place to stock up on glitzy necklaces and cute charms :o)

Love this! I'm wearing it today actually :o)


WendyLeigh0 - If you have a body piercing (especially bellybutton), this is a great place to come for very cute (and clean, no worries) pieces! Some of them are a little more expensive than others, but there is free shipping and the item I got (pictured below) was $7 .. a great price and it's an absolutely beautiful piece. Tons of styles available, too so you'll be sure to find something!!

I wear it just about everyday.. I love green - favorite color for sure.

Okay! So let me know if you guys get anything.. I'd love to feel semi-responsible for cute additions to your collection .. haha. Enjoy your weekends, too! Hoping to kick off this giveaway Monday! Tell the mailman to hurry up!